"Nobody wants to work" The truth about labor in an affluent society
Much of employment is merely laundering your time and free energy into a work history... so that you can find more amenable employment. There are more different jobs than ever before The nature of employment and work has changed, and this is one reason why humans have to shuttle themselves incessantly across our cities and communities. Specialization is definitely a boon, but we live in a world, where not only individuals specialize, but communities as well. The needs of humans are relatively simple, and have been unchanged over thousands of years: food, shelter, warmth, and some kind of work or effort to be involved it. Without something engaging to do, our abilities atrophy, both mental and physical. This is perhaps one of the most important aspects of work and having a job, for your own personal development. We could all take online courses and go to the gym every day, but making your labor a part of human development saves times and helps you focus. A ...